Our ethical policy has been established to set standards and provide guidelines regarding the way OLR should operate in ethical matters. The company and its employees will at all times demonstrate the highest levels of integrity, truthfulness, and honesty in order to uphold both personal and corporate reputations and to inspire confidence and trust in their respective actions. The company will conduct its business in a competent, fair, impartial, and efficient manner. We retain this set of core values and approaches to the process of doing business on a daily basis.

The Ethical policies focus on ten key areas as follows:

  1. Employees - we value its Employees as a key resource. An atmosphere of good employee communication, involvement and responsibility both individually and as a team is of central importance to OLR. All employees are treated with dignity and respect with equal employment opportunities given to all irrespective of their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, maternity, marital status, family status, disability, age, or national origin. Employees are offered a safe and healthy workplace and we will not tolerate any form of harassment or discrimination.

  2. Customers - Everybody must play their part in providing quality and efficiency to customers. OLR believes that integrity in dealings with customers is a prerequisite for a successful and sustained business relationship. OLR will take all reasonable care to avoid misleading statements, concealment, and overstatement in all of its marketing and public statements. We will seek to build long term partnerships with customers by being honest and straightforward in our dealings at all times. We will respect the confidentiality of any information we may obtain in relation to its customers.

  3. Community - OLR seeks to comply with all legislation affecting its operations. We will seek to serve and support the community in which we operate by providing services efficiently and profitably, and by providing good employment opportunities and conditions.

  4. Human Rights - OLR is committed to the prevention of any violation of established Human Rights of any kind, particularly where child labour or undesirable forced acts are involved.

  5. Social Responsibility - OLR is committed to and encourages collaboration with organisations that support Fair Trade and operate non-exploitative employment practices in their own businesses and supply chains throughout the world.

  6. Information - OLR regards information for the purpose of its business as a corporate asset which must be protected against loss of availability, infringement and improper disclosure.

  7. Environment – OLR respects the environment and the need to protect it and minimise the impact its operations have on it. We are engaged in a continuous programme of improvement on environmental issues and open ourselves to independent third-party verification, inspection, and certification of our progress.

  8. Suppliers and partners – Suppliers and partners will be chosen on the basis of factors such as price, quality, delivery, service, and integrity. Our choice of suppliers and partners will be made objectively. Honesty and openness will be paramount in all dealings with our suppliers and partners.

  9. Giving and Receiving Gifts and Entertainment - Employees will neither seek nor accept for themselves or others any gifts, favours, or entertainment without a legitimate purpose from any person or business organisation that does or seeks to do business with us.

  10. Bribes and Corrupt Practice – OLR does not allow the direct or indirect offer, payment, solicitation, or acceptance of bribes in any form. All employees receive compulsory training which examines in detail the procedures all employees must follow to avoid involvement in any situation which might lead to the offer of bribes. Our policy makes it clear that any employee found to be involved in any kind of corrupt practice is likely to be immediately dismissed and may well have committed a criminal act which could lead to prosecution.

OLR believes that implementation of the ethical policy:

  • promotes a culture of ethical behaviour throughout the organisation

  • sets clear standards for employees

  • makes good business sense

  • protects our integrity and enhances our reputation

  • supports the principles of good corporate governance



We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. Our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our business and in our supply chains.

Accompanying this is our Whistleblowing Policy which provides a system for our employees to escalate slavery and human trafficking issues and breaches of our Group policies. There have been no breaches or suspected breaches of our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy reported to date.

We have in place policies and systems across our business; our trading partners; and our supply chains to:-

  • Identify inappropriate employment practices;

  • Identify, assess and monitor other potential risk areas;

  • Mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring;

  • Protect whistle-blowers; and

  • Investigate reports of Modern Slavery.



We have zero tolerance for slavery and human trafficking. To ensure all those in our supply chain and contractors comply with our values we operate in line with principles of responsible sourcing, including paying employees at the prevailing minimum wage applicable within their relevant country of operations.



To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business, in our supply chains and in our business partners, we provide relevant in-house training to our colleagues.